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5 gal jug algae ? Reminder to additize storage.


Well-Known Member
Reaction score
Pendleton, SC
I get fuel for my 2 tractors in 5 gallon plastic Blitz jugs. I buy fuel from either 2 different truck stops and buy regular fuel instead of offroad since it gets more traffic.

I usually keep a few jugs stored for when I need it. I always add some Power Service biocide, some seafoam, and a cleaner cetane improver (varies either Power service, Stanadyne, Redline etc.) then seal the top and store in garage. Usually burn fuel within a month or so. Note I add to every jug that comes home if its going into the tractor immediately or not.

I refilled the jugs the other day and was adding my usual stuff and since it was real sunny I looked in top since the plastic is a bit translucent and dadgum I see some crud in bottom. Not sure if it was from fill up or had built up some. Wish I would have looked before I filled. I try to take a peek inside at the pump but for some reason did not. Crap ola I am very disappointed to see this stuff. Not sure how it grew.

Anyway here is a picture of I guess is a bit of algae. Its about 4.5 gallons of fuel so I dosed extra heavy with biocide about 2 oz and shook it up a bit and will burn it in either my shop heater or '72 tractor. There is no telling what is in that old tractors tank. I guess I'll shake it occasionally and let the biocide work for a while before using it too.

So what to do when Blitz jug is empty? I guess I'll rinse it out with a bit of gas. Add a quart of gas and shake repeat twice. Probably throw gas out at recycle place. Just have to remember to take funnel and waste jug next trip to filling station. Probably should rinse all my jugs periodically. Some I have painted yellow so not as translucent and can't see in them as good.

What do ya'll do for "jug maitenace / storage" ? By the way might want to try and peek into yours.
Unable to add pic ?

Unable to add picture ??? Will try again later.

When I clicked managed attachments saw a small yellow star with ! once then retried some different stuff and tab doesnt work for now.
Take the fuel and dump it for waste oil and throw the container away. Otherwise maybe burn it in a bonfire.

That is unless you don't mind a FUBAR shop heater.

Acid, water, and dead bugs, all make a mess and can ruin the entire fuel system. You hope the biocide works otherwise you are pouring infected fuel into something else that will get infected. Bugs do get resistant to the same biocide so switch brands (make sure different active ingredients) one or two times a year.

Bugs can't stand gasoline so the will also kill the bugs.
The fuel is / was stored inside a garage/shop in the closed Blitz container. Not sure how long the jugs sat empty just a bit of fuel in bottom from last time I bought fuel. I bought fuel a couple times this summer and fall (been using a couple of jugs for years). I just bought this fuel and was going to add some to the tractors.

I should have checked the containers and rinsed them with a bit of gasoline. Uhhhggg

Warwagon you are right. I am going to watch this container and see what happens. I can use for herbicide brush killer mix too. I forgot about that. I usually buy cheaper offroad fuel for that. Will just have to mark up the container so I know not to use it for fuel.
Dump it on something that needs burning, rinse with a little gasoline and maybe scrub with a brush until visibly clean, dump on same thing that needs burning. Throw car flare at thing that needs burning.

Refill fuel can with gasoline, use for a can or two as a GAS can. Then once empty, rinse with diesel and dump on something that needs burning, burn thing that needs burning, refill with diesel, continue on your merry way.

Or, simply toss it on the pile with what needs burning but save the nozzle and cap, and buy a new can.
^^ True, for all it costs for a new container, throwing the entire assembly on the fire would be my option.

...and DIESEL cans are supposed to be YELLOW.. :D
I mixed up some brush/stump killer today using this old fuel. When I opened the jug it had several more little black globs. Not all in the same area so I did not try to take picture as I don't think it will show up very good. Yep looks like something is growing.

And I did dose it with Power Service Biocide and shook it. But I bet since it is just sitting the fuel, water? algae and biocide seperated????? I am a bit surprised but guess not shocked that the biocide did not inhibit more growth. And can see why you can't really fix an algae bloom with out really cleaning the tank real good and pumping out most all the fuel. Or at least one dose of biocide is not going to clean out an infection.

Glad it was only a 5 gallon jug and not a full fuel tank in the tractor or truck!