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40% off Napa Gold filters


6.5 nut job/addict
Reaction score
Thought I'd post the 40% discount on filters untill the end of march. Last year it was 50%
Sweet, that makes there: fuel filter @ $28.99ea $17.40 ea
and the round style K-47 light duty air filter $13.79 $8.27
the heavy duty one K-47 is a buck cheaper??

Time to stock up!!
I haven't found an application that NAPA doesn't sell a filter for, and I work at a NAPA Auto Care Center. ;)
just a heads up on this topic.....went yesterday to stock up, and there was no 40% deal at my local NAPA. Ill have to check others but none at that particular store.
I just went on their web site,, and at the bottom in small print it says: at participating napa stores

I'd show them the ad on their web site,, and then go to the zone instead. Or just order online.