Turbine Doc
Just Another Diesel Guy
This post http://www.dieseltowingresource.com/showthread.php?t=5216&page=3 got me to wondering again, been long time since I had pondered it or sought the answer. Evidently I had a 99 PCM with higher than stock F 63^3 mm fueling was it a unmarked tweaked PCM, or the oft rumored 99+ yr 215 Hp program. When I did look into it I was told & don't remember where that it never made it to mass production but some RVs and big trucks 4500 & up may have gotten it.
So can any of you 99+ guys/gals have a look on a scanner to see what your WOT max fuel rate is so we can put the rumor to rest with data, vs supposition.
So can any of you 99+ guys/gals have a look on a scanner to see what your WOT max fuel rate is so we can put the rumor to rest with data, vs supposition.