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2 or 5 micron OE FM replacement filters?

great white

Well-Known Member
Reaction score
Canada's Ocean Playground
Do these puppies exist?

reason I ask is that my pre-filter is a 10 micron, which is what the factory replacement filter is.

Is there a factory replacement filter for the 6.5 FM that is finer than the OE 10 micron? say, around the 2 or 5 micron range?

Seems kind of pointless to filter the fuel through a 10 micron filter that is almost a foot long and then through another 10 micron filter....:dunno:
According to Stanadyne (the mfr of the filter mgr) & some folks that make replacement elements the OEM filter is a 5 micron nominal filter there is no 2 micron drop in filter I know of or that Stanadyne sells for the 6.5 filter mgr, some have added 2 micron aftermarket, but IMO for our low psi fuel system probably overkill, I talked to Racor, Wix, and Baldwin tech support and they all agreed that our 5 micron OEM was plenty for a final