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1995 K3500, bad thumping, no power.

GM Guy

Manual Trans. 2WD Enthusiast
Reaction score
NW Kansas and SC Idaho
hey guys, I might have my cummins loving boss talked into a 6.5L for daily driver/less strenuous trailer duty.

he found a 1995 K3500 6.5L 5spd 4wd, reg. cab, 8 foot flatbed with a mtor with a bad thump. here is the ad description:

"1995 chevy 1 ton dually, has 5 speed tranny with 4x4. Had a new motor (6.5 turbo diesel) put in a year ago and within 2 months had a really bad thumping noise with no power. Will start and idle just has no power."

the new motor thing is wrong, new to him is more accurate. It was a motor out of a 1996 with supposedly 50K miles on it. The reason for replacing the original was that he nailed a deer, and pierced the cooler lines. the damage was just grille and bumper, and wasnt too bad, (and apparently no oil puddle on the ground, so he never thought they were pierced) so he headed for home. truck didnt make it.

the guy said he was driving down the road, when all of a sudden, it started thumping, and blowing black smoke.

he also said the turbo wasnt turning.

so I am wondering if it dropped and ate a valve, and got a chunk wedged in the turbo, causing the turbo to quit turning, and causing the black smoke. does this sound right?
Bad turbo could be the cause, I lost the donut on the dr side crossover once and my engine sounded really rough with only one bank driving the turbo.
Without actually hearing it I don't know. Mine was rough sounding and the engine seemed to shake. I was on my way to Edmonton around 6 am when it happened and I thought my engine was hooped, then I noticed I had no boost on the gauge. I found the cross over had rusted out on the dr. side and the gasket was gone.
A way to find out would be to disconnect the cross over on one of your trucks and see what it sounds like.
Worst case scenario the thumping is a rod knocking, and the turbo not turning is because it's seized due to lack of oil.

He should go into this with the notion that the engine is junk, as is the turbo because the description is vague. Don't pay more than scrap value for the truck.

Just my two cents though.
supposedly it was OK on oil. my boss is hoping that it is fixable, but I told him, unless it is cheaply repairable, plan on buying that possible optimizer for 2500 bucks.