Sorry that was top measurement of gauge and not paying attention. Actually was reading a little over 6 psi and then would spike to over 7 at idle at custoff. Checked pressure at fuel drain T hose.
Haven't pulled plunger off yet, after new install of FSS it is now a pain to get off. Anyways, did fuel pressure test and clear line from return. No bubbles visible in return line. Fuel pressure read at .42 psi and stayed steady. When truck stalled it jumped to .5 before backing down. Also...
Ok thanks everyone. Will pull the plunger off the Fuel Solenoid to rule that out. Will stop by Harbor Freight get fuel gauge as well as clear line for return. Will keep posted on finding.
Don't know if the IP has ever been replaced. Will look further into it tomorrow to determine that. Just trying to resolve all issues before proceeding with replacing IP.
I just went out for the past hour, cleaned up fuses etc. Started the beast up and this is my new findings:
1. First Start, ran fine for 5 minutes and stalled. Codes, 17, 18, 35, 36
2, Second Start, ran for 45 minutes and stalled. Codes 17, 18, 35, 36, 48
3. Third Start ran fine and stalled...
I cleaned the fuse as well as the grounds. I sometimes hear the Fuel Shutoff Solenoid Pop and sometimes I don't. Wonder if it is stuck. I do have a fuel tank of gas as well, so would have to burn some of that off before attempting to change the sock from the previous post.
Hello all. Want to say thanks in advance and have been doing my research on here before proceeding with this post for assistance. Great knowledge here! Any assistance will be appreciated.
Problem: Intermittent Stalls whether cold or hot. Surge/Fishbiting at 45 - 50 mph, happens when in limp...