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Search results

  1. L

    DTC P0253, P0370 with Mod PCM, no DTC with Stock PCM

    I can contact the PO if you would like?
  2. L

    DTC P0253, P0370 with Mod PCM, no DTC with Stock PCM

    Buddy, #1.)Door jam build date is 09/97. One would think that the VIN would reflect this? #2.) Lp is new, it passed the flow rate test of 1 gallon at 2 minutes idle with 6 turns on cockpit. Fuel gauge test 6psi at idle, 3-4 psi at cruise, 1 psi at wot. New hose from FFM with new Filter. I am...
  3. L

    DTC P0253, P0370 with Mod PCM, no DTC with Stock PCM

    Well as I understand it when you request a PCM program and give him your VIN, he has a VIN database for all vehicles made with all pertinent information need for the program. I personally cant go into great detail as its beyond me, but when My VIN was not in his database that he uses for...
  4. L

    DTC P0253, P0370 with Mod PCM, no DTC with Stock PCM

    Thanks for the input. The ATF was a one shot deal to help clean from the mix fuel scenario, don't plan on using it again. I was told to maybe look towards the CPS or OS?
  5. L

    DTC P0253, P0370 with Mod PCM, no DTC with Stock PCM

    Hello Truck Stop, I am having some issues with my 6.5 TD and thought I might pick your minds. I have included detailed issues to the bottom of the checklist. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks Chance Problem: Explain your problem in concise language Mod PCM gives DTC P0183...
  6. L

    Hello Truck Stop !

    Well here goes the first post....My name is Chance and I live in Anchorage, Alaska. Recently purchased a 98 Suburban, I always liked the versatility of the SUB and this will be my second 6.5 Suburban. I pull a 24ft 1969 tollycraft powered by a Kodiak 8.1, she cruises at 30 knots @ 8 gph. I have...