I'm making some progress and learning more. So i took a long sharp pin and pierced the signal side of the CPS, put a meter on it and saw it was on/off 5 volts ok. (I turned the crank manually) whats strange is the 5 volts seems to be on when the sensor is NOT on the high side of the cam. So the...
Thanks for the welcome and the replys. Im sure the answer can be found here. I took a look at the autel scanner again it lists desired, and actual pump timing. Little word mix up.
Pondering if i should just get a new cps, but i dont want to just throw parts into it, and see what happens...
Excellent forum you have here so much information on the 6.5.
I have a 1999 c3500 that I got for a couple hundred bucks.
I was told it needed an injection pump, so when I got it, it started but it ran really rough
I had an extra 2 pumps in my barn. One of them I pulled from a running truck, and...