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Search results

  1. S

    Guy from Houston

    I hate to break it to you, but I'm one of those evil transplant foreigners, originating from Wyoming of all places. I've been in Texas since I was a teenager, but the last decade or so I've been Houston has been simply terrible. It wasn't so bad in the late 90's and early 2000's, but with all...
  2. S

    Guy from Houston

    Thanks guys. I have to say this board has some great emoticons on it, especially these ones::turbo::ballchain::hitsthefan::llama:with special mention for this one :asskiss: . Tom
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    Guy from Houston

    New guy hailing from Houston, TX here. I recently picked up a white 2005 Chevy 2500HD 4x4 CCSB LLY/Allison to replace my old 2001 2500HD 4x4 6.0L, and figured I'd go ahead and join this board on a recommendation from a guy on another board :pound:. Just want to say hello! Tom