It has a new harness in it already. That sensor isn't available ala carte? I need to find the wiring diagram. I think I'm just going to bypass the sensor with a resistor and call it a day.
That is the exact information I was looking for. Confirms my suspicion that the TFT is faulty. Thanks. Any idea where I can buy one? My google-fu must be weak, as I can't seem to find one anywhere. I can buy a NTC with that curve from Digi-Key or whatever, but it won't be sealed or have the...
I'm getting a DTC for transmission temperature sensor voltage too high, along with very premature torque convertor lockup. Like, it locks up the instant it shifts into second (at too low an RPM), and stays locked until it goes back into first.
Where is the temp sensor (in the pan, I know), and...
The in tank pump stopped functioning, so instead of fixing it properly, the PO wired up a parts store electric pump with the pick up going into a gas can. It's part of why it was so cheap.
Incidentally, the radio and electronic heater controls also aren't working. I can't help but think all...
Yep. Performer EPS ( I think) intake, AVS-2 carb, nice heavy duty headers. It really runs nice, and pulls surprisingly well.
Can't wait for a little weather, or to clear a space in my shop so I can clean up a few things on it.
What exactly is the overdrive repair kit? Is it a valve body repair kit, or is there more to it than that? Googling around brings up all kinds of different products.
I actually have a TH400 here, attached to a '89 454. If I could scare up a GV overdrive unit for a reasonable price, I would make that swap in a hot minute. I'd have to figger out what to do for the park brake, but I'm sure there is a solution already on the market for that.
The more I look into it, I believe you are probably right. The few automatics that I have rebuilt all had one thing in common; they failed due to an internal rubber seal cracking out and causing a large internal hydraulic leak. This one is probably no different.
I was just hoping to press the...
It's like $10K+ to do a Duramax swap in my neck of the woods. Even wrecked trucks bring big $$. My best bet would be to find a good '97 up Vortec 454 or even a 8.1. Even those are kinda scarce these days.