I will give you a little dirty experienced painters trick secret
that I did on this van.
this van was in bad shape, it needed full paint job,
but it’s a work van, the paint code on this van is very expensive, 190 dollar a qt, it needed over 1.5 gallons to finish the job after primer.
so I went...
It all depends on the condition of existing paint, painters techniques, low pressure or high pressure, silver based paints have low coverage compared to solid paints such as red or yellow or black.
Good prep and mostly matching existing color, you can paint with 2qts
it also depends if you are...
Yes if you connect the hand held back to TCU it will show all your settings,
Don’t be afraid to click on them to view it won’t change the setting unless you press up and down arrow.
There are two + 12v inputs for TCU
One is connected to directly to the battery and the second one is for keyed 12v power
at any given time there is power in the TCU
When you turn off the key yes the hand held screen stays on because there is still power in the TCU
You have to contact both of the wires from the sensor to ez TCU RPM input,
EZ TCU needs square length RPM signal to work and that sensor on the back of the engine provides that if you connect both ends
only reason it goes in default mode is if the main positive and negative are not directly connected to battery
at the end you have to turn off the key and give 10 seconds to save all the settings