This solenoid burnout you talked about. Have you seen this happen or is this based off the PWM? My switch just brings the solenoid to 100%PWM. IMO the change to the solenoid was to lower the inductance so the solenoid would react to the PWM. I have not measured one but I bet the resistance...
I have a manuel TCC lockup switch on my truck, 1998. As long as you disengage the lockup before coming to a stop and dont play with the switch while you are in park, the ECM will not throw a code.
When I purchased my truck I had a problem with the wastegate controller. I did not know I had a problem untill I put a boost guage on it. Here is what it did; Off idle it would build boost. Then as fast as it built boost the boost would fall back to zero. I checked the vacuum pump, then...
The Air Dog I 100gph uses the stock pickup. The bigger Air Dogs come with a draw straw.
Here is what I did to the stock pickup.
Here is the o ring to an adapter from russel. They only sell two, the one you need is the small one.
Yes I pulled the voltage through the stock wiring. I cut the plug off the stock lift pump. Spliced the supplied wires onto the plug. BUT the Air Dog 100gph has a maximum of 20 amps. The fuse feeding the stock lift pump was 20amps, this is why I used the stock wiring. Yours has to be more...
I might as well just show you guys the rest. The hose on the right is the feed line with the silicone jacket. The hose on the right is the purge line, it is 1/4". The purge hose goes to the stock petcock.
Here is the tee fitting at the IP.
The only hoses that I used from the Air Dog kit was the return line. I used stainless braded for the suction line, so it would not colapse. I used regular rubber hose for the feed line, I put a silcone fire sock over the rubber hose in the engine compartment. I used the aluminum splice to...
I am running 6501003 Nozzle, Injector Marine - Turbo Engines
6.5L High Flow/High Pop Injector Nozzle for Turbo Engines
These are from Peninsular Diesel.
I have not towed anything yet, I just got my truck back together. But, I have added the A.E.M. water injection system to my truck. My...
I have mounted my Air Dog up under the bed rail. I have made the wiring and the hoses long enough to unbolt the pump and set it on the ground without having to disconect anything. I have a low pressure switch activate the "water in fuel" light in the dash. I have removed all the stock fuel...
I would just save up for it. The ATT just bolts right in and works great. Contact ATT and see if there is a customer truck in your area, you wont regret it. I am getting 16psi and the truck down right flies. Contact KOJO and ask him to compare my tune to yours. I just got my tune last week.
You need an A-TEAM TURBO.
I purchased an ATT. Then had KOJO tune the computer. The truck is incredible now! It will puff black smoke off idle and then it cleans up quick and pulls hard to redline(3500rpms).