I discovered that the ground cable back engine at top passenger side down to the frame was of. changed but it did not work. Take a jumper cable from -pole to the ground point and then it started . So always check ground points first, & special this one it can save you a lot of time.
As I said, I found a ground fault, changed the cable but no result and DTC 18 then i think it may not make contact anyway? so I took a wire to the grounding point rear engine passenger side and it started! I make a new thread on this error it´s easy to chek. But new errors, of course, smoking...
Ok may be that. The resitorn to be seated in the connector according to Stanadyne, it is on other models of PMD?
Thank you for taking time to answare me.
I did that and it was off and the connector to the sensor located on the back of the engine under the manifold, have changed but now I have DTC code 18.
I have 2 PMD, there was an extra in the car, but no resitor in Standyne bullentine. check through the car it has a history of electricity failure. lots of extra fuses and stuff, and the hole in the cap surely someone's brain that has been working o it is vacuum in the tank it's wrong. I will...
Problem: Explain your problem in concise language (ie: Cranks but won’t fire). ____yes
Demographics: tell us about your truck and your ambient conditions:
- Year: 1994______
- Truck model and class (ie: c2500) Suburban 2500
- Automatic or Standard Aut
- Mileage: (indicate miles or km)...