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Search results

  1. S

    Changing Hydraulic filter kubota CTL SVL75-2. Filter stuck - super tight suggestions

    I am changing the hydraulic filter on neighbor's CTL and the filter is stuck. I am suspecting I am doing something wrong. Does hydraulic system pressure need to be bled or relieved first? How would I do this? Lower arms/bucket then pull trigger on joystick to float bucket? Do I need to...
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    Pulling up trees with a chain

    Pulling trees up. I have pulled many small trees up with my tractors too many to count easy peasy. I have no problem with most trees. Smaller ones are worse than the bigger ones as sometimes the small ones deglove or skin all the bark and limbs off and not pull out. Brushy type bushes tend to...
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    Rock block. Tailgate gap seal and tonneaus etc tape track?

    I have a back revolver roll up tonneau. Works pretty good. But when I haul mulch it’s a pain to clean out the track. Also, my 2020 is harder to clean out the gap at tailgate. I tried blue painters tape and it kept track clean. The tape came off ok but tears easy. Anyone tried similar...
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    High speed video of injector spray and combustion smarter every day

    I enjoyed this. I did find it interesting how he says the stoichiometry has some effect with burn back to the tip of the injector. Around 11:55 into the video. There are even more variables pressure in the cylinder, the temperature of the fuel, the temperature of compression and more. I have...
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    Opinion? Anyone use one of those clamptite hose clamp tools

    So what do you think of those tools to make a hose clamp from wire ? clamptite My initial use would be for garden hose to make a low profile clamp for a new end.
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    Greasing balljoints: should you jack up the vehicle and unload the suspension?

    I read something recently that suggested it is best practice to jack up a vehicle by the frame to unload suspension to grease the ball joints. It makes sense as sometimes I lift my bushhog to grease the tailwheel kicking it to rotate it as the lincoln pumps grease around the "pin". But then I...
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    Any vehicle but this is a pickup - wreck diminished value damage multiplier and insurance arbitration ?

    I was rear-ended in a wreck. No injury just damage to my truck. Insurance has been a pain to work with and IMO now lowballing the diminished value. So I see one of the most common formulas for diminished value is the market value x .1 as max diminished value. then multiplier for milage...
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    2018 honda accord 50K miles slew of codes cranks and runs fine dealer says injectors blah blah blah

    Just had a call from my sister1 with sister2. Sister2's car is a 2018 honda accord 50K miles recently serviced. They drove on a 2 hour trip then parked for 2 days and when started several check engine lights came (started like normal). I guess car can suggest service etc brakes might not...
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    Fuel cans, jugs. Equipment that sits. Going to try rinsing cans with gas after use

    Anyone rinse their jugs out and try to store them dry? I have maybe (8) plastic fuel jugs. I have tops for them and never leave the tops off for long. Before getting fuel I look inside and if they are "dirty" I clean them with carb cleaner and gasoline before getting fuel. When I say...
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    Longbed crew cab all fun til parking

    First time I’ve ever been stuck. I parked and before I returned people parked beside me and behind. My truck was too long to back out and work steering back and forth. The isle between parking rows was narrower than my truck length. Dang compact car beside me did not pull fully into space so...
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    Youtube idea for removing a weld seam in rectangular or square tube

    I sometimes just watch youtube for ideas or new stuff. Sorta helps me to try and not get stuck in a rut thinking one way.
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    2020 3500 Parked ~ 48 hours - Dead battery no apparent reason. FYI and any thoughts?

    FYI will update as I know more....... Chime in if you have any similar experiences. Unexpected dead batteries for no apparent reason. Still New truck IMO ~ 3 months old ~ approx 150 hrs 4,900 miles 2020 3500 HD CCLB SRW LT AllStar PKg. Convenience Pkg II BUT most options turned off as...
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    Solar charger for phone and or speaker

    What are you using for a solar charger? I bought this one at academy sports to try but think I want a better one. I want one I can use for a phone and or speaker. One that will allow several hours of charge. Most of a day and an hour or 3 in the evening. Not too big.
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    Keeping braided rope supple and soft?

    I have washed rope and have some rope in a 5 gallon bucket of water mixed with fabric softener right now. Do you know any spray on product that works or good for solid braid dock lines that keeps them soft?
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    New 2020 Truck thoughts? Anyone have a review or info? What are real must haves?

    Considering a new truck. 2020 Chevy ( could go GMC ) 3500 Crw cab LB SRW Dmax My must-haves are pretty basic: Tilt wheel, dual zone AC, and comfortable seat (think I prefer the upgraded 40/20/40 with heat and headrest). Mechanically: heavy duty frt springs, factory gooseneck wiring, bedliner...
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    Car Code "Alex C. Peper" DB9 - usb adapter any substitute?

    I have the old car code PC software by Alex C. Peper. I don't see his old website but he seems to have an android version of it with Carcoded dot com. The version of CarCode I have uses a OBD-II plug to what I think is called a DB9 or RS-232 cable then a DB9 to usb adapter. The car code...
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    I may have screwed the pooch with trying to reset timing help. Car Code OBD2

    My truck has a surging at launch when its cold but after it warms up past 170F coolant temp it launches smoother. Since I had replaced the timing gears I thought why not investigate timing and TDCO since it might be 50 starts since then and relearned to start causing this surging. I am using...
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    ? doing timing gears now on a 97 what is TDC.

    Ok, I'm down to pulling the HB and front cover but am I at TDC or BDC? I am trying to follow the directions written by Scott Boelman on THEDIESELPAGE - "Phaser Dual-Idler 6.5L Gear Drive Timing Set" . I was a member for a while and feel its ok and seems to be accessible from the open web. Are...
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    Clutch Shudder when cold, how to inspect, are any I phone snake camera's worth it? 260K mile decision time

    My truck's shudder on launch has gotten worse with age to point now its getting really aggravating sometimes Seems to have gotten worse this last winter. Might be getting better with warmer weather. But sometimes it's violent almost like its going to wheel hop spin. It only shudders when cold...
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    Looking at 2019 numbers Chevrolet is down bad again

    2019 Ram's up'ed their numbers to almost crazy. 3500 crew cab long bed SRW's Ram says they can tow 25,150 lbs Chevrolet stayed with similar numbers to 2017 & 2018 ~ 17,000 lbs. I heard GM is increasing their tow numbers in 2020. The GAWRR is almost the same Ram - 7000 lbs Chevrolet -...