I went away for the long weekend, but kept thinking about the strange readings. So back to basics. I borrowed a meter from a friend, tested both sensors and values agreed with published charts. I looked closely at my meter and how I was taking readings. I noticed that the wire to the red probe...
I'm doing some basic checking of a 1995 6.6 L. I tested resistance of both CTS (at coolant crossover pipe) and IAT sensors with digital meter, engine cold, about 65F. Removed connector and touched both sensor pins. There was no reading or "OL". Engine warmed up (15 min) and read CTS of about 250...
I'm doing some basic checking of a 1995 6.6 L. I tested resistance of both CTS (coolant crossover pipe) and IAT sensors with digital meter, engine cold, about 65F. They read millions of ohms. Engine warmed up and read CTS of about 250 ohms; very close to chart values. IAT was still reading meg...