Months ago the three nuts that hold the pump on came off. Only the injection lines were holding the pump in place. Engine still ran. I reinstalled them. Of the 4 tangs on the bottom of the ESO, one was cracked, one was completely broke off. Fuel leaking badly from bottom of ESO. Used jbweld to...
Unplugged the OS, engine will still not fire, no smoke from tailpipe. Spray a little carb cleaner into intake, the engine chuffs like it wants to start. pulled oil filler, can see gears turning. will check voltages on connector. where can I get a wiring harness for the ip and sensors. the wiring...
I was referring to the air intake from the turbo to the intake hood that bolts to the intake manifold. It blocks most of my access to the IP. I also have A/C lines crossing there as well. I dumped the plastic cover a while back.
I have fuel flowing from the filter, and it's clear. No fuel at thr injector while cranking. I can't get to the IP without removing the blower hood. Wiring looks cracked from heat and skanky.
Yes, it was running beautifully, accelerating, when it felt like someone had just turned off the key. Coasted to a stop. I have been reading everything I can. I'm getting conflicting messages. One tells me I have contaminated fuel. Possibly, I had just filled up at a truckstop with high...
Problem: Cranks but won’t fire
Demographics: tell us about your truck and your ambient conditions:
- Year: 1996
- Truck model and class (ie: c2500) Suburban
- Automatic or Standard Automatic
- Mileage: (indicate miles or km) 250k
- Replaced parts and mods (IP, PMD, chip/PCM, TM...