What grounds am I looking for? I'm not a mechanic. Somewhat handy, but not really technically trained. Prior to the truck not starting, it was having trouble starting. Getting worse by the day. A mechanic friend felt that my fuel is bad and said it smelled of tupentine. Even with that...
Back again with my '95
I haven't posted in about a month because I damaged the flex plate in the truck and wasn't able to continue with my diagnostics. At this point the flex plate is fixed and I am back to trying to get the truck to start. Both batteries are new and are cranking hard. If...
To make matters worse...
I'm pretty sure now, i've damaged the ring gear. The starter cranks a bit and then grinds and spins. Local transmission shop says $1000 for that including a flush and fill but that would then put me back to where I was. If I need another injector pump on top of that...
Okay, so here's what i'm gonna do...
I get home around 6. The PMD, as I understand it, is the small black box on the heat sink. When my mechanic replaced the injector pump, he told me he replaced it with a bosch. As best as I can tell, there is still a black box (Stanadyne) on the side of...
Thanks, that's the first thing that's given me hope today. So I should take the fuel filter out, and at the bottom, there's a screen, and I should check the screen for clogging. I was looking at the IP this morning. There is a hose that comes out diagonally. If I am standing at...
Thanks for the advice
Most of this is probably beyond my skill set but in reading the attachment, there were some tips in chasing the gas. I thought the FSOL fuse was one of the encased ones where I couldn't pick it up and test to see if it's not blown. If that's not accurate, please correct...
Not being a mechanic, here's what I know. The truck is stock. The WVO system is a separate system. Greasecar.com put it in for me. There is a black box connected to a heat sink in my front bumper. All of my fuses seem to be unblown but some are black blocks that I don't know how to test. I...
In the last week or two my truck has been harder to start. I'd crack a fuel line and some fuel would bleed and then it would start. Monday, I struggled to start it on diesel, switched to veggie oil, ran it for 2 hours perfectly and parked it. I came out 3 hours later and it wouldn't start on...