Before I changed the fuel filter I drained about 2 gallons in to a quart jar and let it sit each time and had no signs of water. I plan on changing the filter again just to be safe.
Sorry for not posting sooner.
Finally got the fuel filter replaced Sunday evening with help for Turbine Doc. After getting all of the air out of the fuel system the truck is up and running. Has started up right away every time since. Have drivin a couple of times and it cut off on me once...
Replaced all GP today. Passenger side looked worse than driver side. Tips were greenish. Tried to start and it actually started and ran for about 2 minutes an then shut down again. Have not changed the Fuel Filter. Not exactly sure how. Don't have gauges to check pressure but have a friend...
Check grounds and they all seem to be good. Also checked LP and it seems ok. GP on drivers side seem ok but have what looks like rust on them. Will change all GPs today. Also going to change fuel filter. I could not find anything on how to change the Fuel Filter on the site. If anyone...
I just recently bought a 1999 Chevy 3500 with a 6.5 TD(my first diesel). It ran pefectly for the first couple of weeks but started having trouble with starting. As of right now, it will start and run for about 15 seconds then die. Will start again a second time and then die again and then it...