i went to the dealer and got gm gear oil at twenty bucks a pop! but shit works great and doesnt stink!! haha did you rebuild the tranny or just did the input shaft and other stuff external not internal? i got a nasty grind when i shift into third, have you have any noises shiftin even with all...
alright i feel like a total idiot because which ever genius told me to chack my air filter was right. i had a mouse nest takin up almost half the filter and a little chunk was chewed away so air couldnt get through. the little bit i cleaned it out it ran better, got the new filter in today and...
is that fifteen psi? and i checked the wastegate actuator and it works. when i had the truck checked the vacum was reading at sixty some percent so could that be the pump then and im just not getting enough power to open the wastegate?
i have a 95 6.5 td five speed. after 22-2300 rpms, in third, fourth and worst of all fifth, i start to lose power and start smoking black waaaay too much. from there it takes a million years to pick up speed and rpms. i had the light checked and it called for a wastegate soleniod, so i replaced...