Aus-kiwi posted an interesting question checked for resistor no resistor put in new resistor 4/19/20 seems to be running fine bought PMD and wiring harness from few years back.Don't use this truck much 163,000 miles any still rattling.Resistor seems to be working. Had loud...
will try that tomorrow VaFarmBoy post was on a different site ( I found when i was googling this problem he recommended this site in his post thank you for your time will get back with suggestions once i apply them
Thank you for the welcome. No fuel leaks. when this first started it would start then die then restart and run now it has progressed to start run few minutes then die if i let it sit for a while then it starts then dies wont stay running seen a post VaFarmBoy posted seems to be the same how...
this truck starts runs few minutes then dies as if key turned off starts then dies then wont start wait a while then the same symposiums again changed fuel pump on frame,changed PMD and remounted a couple of years ago,changed fuel solenoid,new fuel filter any suggestions?