I agree completely. Plus, I've always wanted the truck to begin with, lol.
Thanks for the idea of the tribute to my dad. Although, I'm not sure I want to keep the body the way he had it, the rest makes sense and I'm honestly not sure why I didn't think of it. I may just have to do something...
Depending on what I find, I may have to do just that, but I'm hoping it's still salvageable. Bothers me that I can't work on it right now but not much a guy can do when there's close to 2 ft of snow where the truck should be and no heated garage or shop to put it in.
Yes, my dad enjoyed the...
I will have to check it all out when I can get to it or get it home.
Yes, I understand the thought process and yes, it may just end up being a parts truck, but, until I can have a good look at it, I won't know for sure.
Brakes can be upgraded cheaply and I'm just looking to drive it. Not...
Ok. Thanks for the advice. I hope I can get my hands on the truck soon. Itching to get it driveable again and enjoy it but it's not here and will need to be hauled or towed here. Unfortunately may not happen until spring.
My sister's boyfriend, who is apparently a journeyman mechanic, says it's...
Ok. Good to know and thanks for the heads up. There are many things I'm going to have to learn from this truck and especially this engine. Would I be able to get a list of things I need to check over? If it's no trouble, I mean.
Ok. Thanks for the advice. I will do that an check into whatever might need to be replaced. I'm not sure how on top of things my dad was but he was usually pretty good at maintenance, I do know that.
Thanks for the condolences and prayers, MrMarty51. It's been rough and still is at times. Just taking it day by day and trying to focus on the good memories.
I don't have the truck at home right now and may not be until spring. It's at my sister's place right now. Her boyfriend is the...
As far as I know, it still runs great but was making terrible noises when put in gear. Was thought to be transmission originally but apparently, on further investigation by a journeyman mechanic, it now may be torque converter with only 3 bolts. Not sure if it's loose or failing or what. I don't...