I have always run full synthetic in all our Hondas.Hyrda-Tex 15w40 just like we run in our D-Max's and tractors.
I usurally only change oil every 1500-2000mi which translates to 2-3 times a year. I average 5000mi per year and have not had a motor fail yet. Highest mile Honda atv I have is...
Jcool: Don't get me started :lol:. I have never owned an auto and I know well how to drive a manual :D. I started driving one at 5yrs old. A 67 C20.
On topic ZF's are very tough. I've seen a couple broken ones like ZF Man said but they were just inputs. I know one guy is running over 750/1400...
I didn't. Didn't have the $$$$. May later in the year if it's still there.
Here's your link to the petition. I've got it spread around quite a bit but the more the better.
Hey ZF6 Man!! Glad to have a few of us 6spd drivers here
There are a lot of grey areas it seems. I always haul for myself Lol!. Actually that is a grey area cause I own the load until I unload it so I guess maybe I'm still technically hauling for myself. It's crossing certain state lines overwidth or over weight I try to aviod.