i've just bought my first diesel 94 6.5 td two door yukon thanx for your website learning tons there
also have a 2dr tahoe 4x4 1996 with 405000kms on it just won't stop running
my sports car is a 1988 buick reatta and a couple of harleys so i have lots of stuff to wrench on
on wet coast selling my diesel rare SLE in good shape runs well rebuilt 97 6.5
381kms on body no rust just odd ding ill try to attach pics $5000
terence 778 828 2661 or see CL posting in vancouver BC
well i was tightening the egr on the upper intake and the cast bolt hole broke
i was shocked to find out $250 for a new one then try to find one argghhh
finally cut a piece of checker plate to gasket size drilled holes gasket and silicon
plugged vaccuum line and on the road no wonder its a...