I've got $10 lol I think the test light can get me there just can't check for resistance, I just hate getting money without repaying in some form lol. But anyways yeah I saw that one while I was at oreillys.
Batterys are on the charger at Oreilly right now because they are low. Once I get them back I'll test like you talking about and let you know what happens
This purple wire out of the ignition goes to the the starter. I have no voltage out of it when key is in start position. Also the crank fuse still isn’t getting power
I'm not getting any voltage on the purple wire out of the ignition switch. So do I need to go to Oreilly and get one? I don't think is the actual wires at this point, I wanna say the ignition switch but I'm not sure. Also I'm not sure where to find one of the books and I don't really have enough...
New ignition switch is actually a used one lol. Unknown condition has been on a steering column that layed in the rain for a couple years. Basically my problem is there is no voltage on the purple wire out of the ignition switch
I get you and I will admit I am very impatient but I just don't know what it is at this point. All my wiring is good, no blown fuses and I have a good starter. I can't see the battery cables being the problem at this point but if its a strong possibility at this point then I can get some...
I had gotten the motor to crank the first night I got it but it wasn't right from the last person who owned it. I had to unhook the batteries to get it to quit cranking. I'm just tired of messing with it and nothing coming out of it. Ill just put this motor in my red one ton in place of the 350
Yes I do at "D" and "B". Yes SES and radio still lighting up. Even with a momentary ran from battery>switch>stater it still won't crank. Im just gonna part it. I'm sick of messing with it
NEW INFO... I changed the ignition switch cause there was actually a spare laying around. Still no fix... I took my test light up to the ignition switch and I CANNOT get power to purple crank wire. With it in park and neutral I still have nothing. I'm wondering if its the gear safety switch...
Ok Ill try that tomorrow evening and see what I've got. I'm assuming that if I don't have power in correct positions I need to try changing the ignition switch? If there is power where it should be I still have a needle in the haystack?