I'd inspect the roof carefully, inside then out. Then, the floors. Be careful not to fall through a weak spot. I think the price is high without the refer, but that's just me.
High pressure isn't really good for soft parts. I use dish soap 2 parts to 1 part water so it sprays better from an old windex bottle; soak overnight and reapply next day when it's warmed up a little in the sunshine. I then hook up my best garden hose to our house water heater flush valve and...
Thanks to all of the good advice from experience.
My own 2 cents in order (I'm a cheap bastid too);
Separate & clean the cooling stack, purge the system both ways (reverse flush then forward flush) and run the water to clean out all the flush chemicals.
Replace the fan and clutch with the...
Ferm, your guidance and knowledge are SO helpful, Thank You.
My burb is non-cooling now, and I look foreward to DIRTFT it with the help you gave to SnowDrift.
You are such a valuable asset to us, and I feel you are under-appreciated. How's your healing going?
As they start the Vehicle Code books, "Driving is a privilege, not a right".
Probable cause to stop a vehicle can be very subjective. Personal experience of some people aside, all statistics and records agree that Safety belts are MUCH more effective at preventing death and injury than the...
I don't want to derail this train, but I have lost the slow fan speed on my 94.
Probably the resistor?
I'm SURE there's a thread on this in here already, and I'm too lazy to look.:o
Si, Amigo..
it is all California; the Spaniards and Americans have had it pretty much forever except the for 25 years Mexico tried to run it.
Hell, even the Russkies were settting up shop here way back when. The Mexi's will have to give it back to us someday to pay their debts.
Oregon to...
I've driven in the salty shore water in many trucks over the years, this is the first brake 'freeze up'. I've always washed them up and down soon afterwards, except this time.
These are the same shoes that were on it 76,000 miles ago when I bought it. I doubt they're all organic, so most likely...
Good job, Simon. You didn't leave her there, that's nice. With the medical situations here, we have to have a backup vehicle at all times, so it was good for me too.
jeffrey98335 , I am privileged to have done a little for this great country. We're either sheep, wolves, or sheep dogs...
My wife drove through some deep nasty water about 20 yards from our house, then backed it into our driveway, and set the parking brake.
About a week later, she starts it normally, warms it up a little, then sticks in Drive; torque twisting is noticeable as she revved it, but the tires seemed...
Subscribed. Thanx,
I like the fast blink, anything to get the idiots attention off their texting.
Maybe it helps to compensate for the fools that never signal.
Yes and yes.
I tested mine when I replaced the seals by sticking it in the freezer over night then checking the continuity as I thawed it out.
Kind of lazy way is to alligator clip the meter leads to it, stick it in Ice water with a freezer thermometer, then eat a sandwich. When my meter beeped...
Excellent work, Thanks Guns. I have to do the roof on my '70 Pace Arrow. Yours is the best step by I can remember seeing.
Thanks for your service. I have always felt for the guys in a floating target.
I'll bet on the brake hoses going from the steel lines to the calipers.
A similar problem on mine had the brake hose on 1 side acting as a 1-way, only releasing the caliper veerrry slowly if at all.
It started as intermittent and became worse as I rebuilt the calipers, flushed the hydroboost...