So it turns out the speed sensor harness wasn’t fully seated and was thoroughly coated in sludge. Got it sorted out and so far so good. Fingers crossed. I don’t know but I’m guessing the loss of signal and resulting delta between input and output was causing the slipping feeling as it hunted...
Just in case anyone is curious, I blew the line from fuel pump back into tank, and problem has not reappeared in a couple weeks now. As luck would have it though last night the trans started to feel like it was slipping in all gears. Rpms would rise and speedo was bouncing around as well...
Thanks it just happened again yesterday. I opened the fuel filter bleeder heard it suck air in. I’m thinking I need to drop my tank and take a look but it’s almost full as luck would have it.
Thank you. I just read a post from someone who described my situation precisely, and remedied it by removing that filter. I never knew it was there. I’ll give it a shot, it seems to be running better now but I haven’t been out much.
I replaced filter a few days ago. Wondering if debris could be blocking pick up in tank intermittently. Just filled it up and it seems to be running fine.
Hoping someone can offer some guidance here. 94 6.5 3500. A month ago I thought I had filled my truck with bad fuel because it started jerking and bucking under load, I immediately put some sea foam in on the side of the road but it persisted occasionally for next week or so. I replaced ops...
Ok, so I did understand it correctly in concept then, but didn’t realize that pulling more vacuum would never be an issue. I’d like to remove it and have less connections if possible so thanks for the input.
Thanks, I kept it because I was under the impression that it acts as a regulator valve to keep pressure at the correct level. If I’m wrong about that please enlighten me and maybe I’ll change it up. Always ready to learn something new.
Just wanted to share my little project with you guys because my wife didn’t seem to share my enjoyment of it Seems to be working as planned, the truck feels a bit better according to the butt Dyno, and the catch can is retaining oil. The hose between the can and intake is basically dry, which...
Yeah that plastic tank is the whole problem. It’s cracked pretty badly and previous owner glued it. The glue failed and I tried again but it kept leaking after a week or two. It would be great to find a reservoir that fit the pump but nobody seems to be able to help me out yet. Frustrating