I'm back... so the HB does not appear to be the culprit!... All is good down there.
Now we are thinkin maybe a bad fuel injector (or 2).
Just for giggles we did the IP test as explained in another thread (2000rpm idle down slowly... no real burps or erratic when done)
The motor mounts...
Howdy Odlaw & Missy...
Thanks for all the add's of things to watch for... every little bit helps.
Yes, my hubby and I agree, we will be replacing just about anything we are taking off... no sense in put old back on when you get her down that far! Probably go for replacing the timing chain as...
Thanks guys for all the great info... I will hopefully be able to dig into this tomorrow... *said with tons of enthusiasm*
I Mudbath & Matt... I will be doing that test first and will post my results! And I went to Odlaw's garage... that helps a lot... though I am not sure if I will be as lucky...
About a month ago my suburban started to feel like the motor mounts were loose or broken. A slight shake when she is idol or running, more so on the idling part.
Now I will not drive her... the engine is shaking much worse and I fear that it is my harmonic balancer. And yes, it is slightly...