I rotated the pump to driver's side and it helped a lot in starting the engine. I think the idle fuel pressure is poor due to having a bad OPS a while back. is it bad to let them idle rough due to that?
I keep reading over the previous posts in this thread about setting TDCO by revving...
Thanks, I just copied my signature from the other forum. I am using the GMTDScan Tech, and did TDC Time Set On, then Off, then TDC Learn On and let it cycle to finish.
My IP timing results
I've read this whole thread... and have been working on two 6.5's as far as IP timing. I can't get my TDCO to be negative, it always sets to about .50 according to the software, but when I take a screen shot it reads .09. The truck seems to run ok but I think the TDCO is...