Well, I'm back. Been taking care of family business. Moved my mother in law in from Colorado. God, what a cluster pluck that was
Moving companies suck balls!!
Went to work on the dizzle, cannot find my turbo manifold anywhere. It's enough to make the pope cuss!
My disability went through, I'm...
Feels like it's been longer than May since I've been here.
I lost my turbo manifold for my 6.2l sidewinder kit.
Been looking like a madman for it or a replacement.
I could find them all day long until I needed one lol.
Hope everyone is well, going to spend the next few days catching up
Back in the 2000's, I was a click away from renaming the San Andreas Fault to Bushes Fault.
Then I remembered I had a security background update coming up, didn't want to get zinger for "hacking" lol.
As far as the diesels, I think my 6.2 is 20:1.
I've known there's been debate over which is...
or 12 lol.
I retired and am busier than ever. Watching the grandkids grow like weeds.
I have an older neighborhood kid that's been hanging around. He shows some interest in my trucks, maybe I can pass some knowledge on before my time is through.
Hope everyone is doing well.
had a complete kit I bought used. Bought a house, moved, and retired. I could find them all day right until the day I realized mine was missing. Lol (eye roll).
Anyways, if you have one to get rid of give me a holler! holler! It looks like this...thanks.
Absolutely right.a 400 with overdrive would be the swizzle.
I have a nv4500 in the garage. If the 6.2 lives, I'll turbo it and put the 5 speed on it.
My k5 has a th350, but I scored a nv833 for it.
It's a a 4 speed, with 4th being overdrive. It had a short run in the 80s, if you find one grab it.
Th400. I contemplated a 700r4 very briefly, but the one in my other burb died. I quit them after that.
If I ditch the diesel I'm going big block. Keeping the truck,
And the 400!