Wait until a bit over half of the tops are bent over. Knock over the rest (gently) and wait about 1 week. Dig them up and lay in a dry sunny area until the tops are dried rest of the way. Then store in a cool dry place. Mine usually last like that until the following spring.
External ground: (older)
Internal ground: (likely)
The internal ground rectifier is on the RH side engine cover.
Older one shown. I sold the other one recently.
My tomatoes, peppers, onions, and finally the potatoes, are beginning to show good growth. Need to plant the acorn squash and pumpkin seeds in the next week or so.
At one time I grew Yellow pole beans on a wire fence. They were a type that you left a bit of the bean and stem when you picked them and 2 new beans would form. I don't remember the exact variety (probably from Burpee) but they were delicious.
I recall a bad alignment adjustment issue that had to be replaced on my 07 Tahoe that solved the clunking issue but don't remember specifically. I'll see if I still have paperwork.
Welp, 1 week to get a harness and TCM, a morning worth of work by the Dmax tech and close to 1800 bucks and off I go... Not to mention the 650 for a week worth of rental car. Fortunately I have the financial means... But I damn sure didn't plan to spend it this way. But I'm back on the road...