Yes it is, there are no transistors, everything is on vacuum tubes. It will survive any cataclysm of any magnitude. Even when the machine gun melts and molten metal drips onto the soldiers’ boots, this device will tick and move the needle.
I dug up about 7 tons of soil, 350 buckets of soil each bucket weighs 20 kg (44 lb)., deepened 1/4 of the basement area to a depth of 2 feet, garage basement area 355 sq. ft. (33 sq.m.)
After 30 hours, the spectrum became more distinct. There is one peak of Europium152, but no other peaks at other energy levels. I assume that the spectrograph needs to be calibrated. he lies 50 kev downwards. If this is so, then this peak does not belong to Europium 152, but to potassium K40...
The coals were formed a really long time ago, and the radiocarbon dating method does not work for such long periods of time.
The spectrograph worked for 4 hours. Discovered a distinct peak of Europium 152, quite a bit, only 14 decays in 4 hours. This element is artificial, formed during...
Radiation is within safe limits. The spectrograph did not detect any dangerous elements within an hour. There is no obvious radioactive decay. I’ll leave it spectrograph turned on for a few days, I’ll collect statistics and it will be possible to take a closer look at the spectrum of...
Usually the rear one disappears due to wear of the reverse bands 657. The friction coating becomes thinner and cannot securely fix the drum. Try using a different piston pin73 3-5mm longer. thereby the tape will compress more strongly and fix the drum when necessary. To replace it, only...
.There is no groundwater, once there was a flood from melt water when there were no concrete walls, and a lake from melted snow accumulated near the garage. Now all the low areas around the garage are filled up, melt water does not accumulate and water does not flow into the basement. In 3...