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Search results

  1. E

    Looking for Advice

    Sounds like the conv is locking . Just like driving a stick and forgetting to push the clutch in at a stop light . Have you checked the brake light switch for adjustment ?
  2. E

    95 Chevy 1ton possible steering issues.

    Ever thought about doing all the rubber brake hoses ? Changed mine on my 91 , made a big difference .
  3. E

    AC parts

    I'd put 1 oz in each part .
  4. E

    Opinions needed - Performed Optical Bump

    Why don't you start another thread on just the steering issues ?
  5. E


    Maybe with just RPM and VSS sensors working , that's enough info for the ECM to operate .
  6. E

    Opinions needed - Performed Optical Bump

    300 psi is too low for a diesel compression tester . Should be closer to 400 or more for a good engine .
  7. E

    Tire Pressure Monitor Sensors

    I find it odd that all the sensors are dead . Does the DIC have any pressures showing ? Have you put it on a scanner ?
  8. E

    Lift Pump Not Working, Where to Start

    That's why you have a problem bleeding the air . Take the glow plugs out , leave the lines tight and crank it over with your foot on the floor . It's the rpms that bleed the air . I did a 95 like WW did except all the glows were out . A lot of misting . He basically had the entire fuel system...
  9. E

    P400 in the Burb install

    Rock Auto lists both 350 and 400 for the diesel .
  10. E

    P400 in the Burb install

  11. E

    Lift Pump Not Working, Where to Start

    Am I the only one not seeing any bolts in the gear ? Not seeing any holes either like the pump has moved or is seized ?
  12. E

    P400 in the Burb install

    Did you degree the cam and change it's timing ?
  13. E


    I would suggest waiting until you change all the glow plugs . Pull them all out and then crank the engine over . This gives you a much faster cranking speed which helps to bleed the fuel system quicker . You can sit in the truck and see the misting when cranking , it is very obvious . Also ...
  14. E

    6.5 DB2 conversion manual

    Yes , that is the oil pump drive with the sensor on top . The CK model had vacuum for the AC only . This is the earlier model , 81 to 87 . I'm trying to use a serp belt and Banks so a lot is going on up front .
  15. E

    4l80e 1995 c2500 2wd

  16. E

    6.5 DB2 conversion manual

    That's OK . Just looking for some info . There was someone , 65GMCTD I think , that had posted about sensors . They will bolt in but one had a square wave output and that could not be swapped because of the output . I have a few of the California vac pumps with the sensor on top as I want to use...
  17. E

    6.5 DB2 conversion manual

    Will , any more info on the 2 wire cps ?
  18. E

    Cylinder Head and Camshaft Comparison.

    Yep , my thinking too . Not really worried about other points of view as I've heard this over and over again . I have my thoughts and that's why I had my heads ported and picked up the Crane regrind . Could I be wrong ? Sure but it's my money and time and I might just learn something . I think...
  19. E

    Cylinder Head and Camshaft Comparison.

    Chris , I have heard of the Delta cams and thought there was one larger than the 206 . It would be interesting to get the specs on that cam . Also need the radius of the seat and not the valve for the formula . As far as the intake ports , where are the specs on diesel porting ? No more on gas...
  20. E

    Cylinder Head and Camshaft Comparison.

    No , I'm not missing the point about the turbo . You have a good theory , now prove it .