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Search results

  1. G

    Install of A-Team turbo& Intercooler complete

    Hello Norway, from which manufacturer is your air scoop on the hood...?You could please put a photo here..? Greetings Gunar
  2. G

    sandblasting ?s

    Hello ak diesel, Do not take a normal Sand...that takes a long Time because once it used he is no longer consists of sharp... A Water Separator must have otherwise the nozzle glued you constantly. Walnut is only for the cleaning of sensitive parts such as Aluminium and Rubber...
  3. G

    What is your favorite brand of firearm?

    Hello Ray, Thank you for your Explanation... I thought it is easy... I see it also only here with us on Television... For some Years there is a new TV Transmitter with us and it shows very many good Reports from America, Canada and the Rest of the World... Best Regards Gunar
  4. G

    What is your favorite brand of firearm?

    Hi Leo, Thank you for the Explanation... I have now read the F.A.C. - you have to just make a Test like this in Germany....?! Even 12 year old Children with an Accompanied can make even a Bill...:) Best regards... Gunar
  5. G

    What is your favorite brand of firearm?

    Hello your Hunters:thumbsup: Can in America or Canada or Alaska just go anybody in a Gun Shop and buy Pistols and Rifles? Or do you need a Permission for this?.? Greetings... Gunar
  6. G

    My Twin Turbo 6.5 (GM4 & GM8)

    22 Years old...and then so much on a Motor built...Hat down!..(its a German Proverb..) 1000 Km with one FuelTank :thumbsup:...o.k.-by this speed....:D Gunar
  7. G

    How many miles do you drive between oil changes and have you ever had a UOA done?

    Hi Friends, what is UOA....(University of Alaska/Alberta or Alabama/Arizona..):D I change between 3000 and 5000 Miles-It depends on how the oil smells.....I use 15 W40.... Greetings Gunar
  8. G

    My Twin Turbo 6.5 (GM4 & GM8)

    How fast are you driven in Average...? Gunar
  9. G

    My Twin Turbo 6.5 (GM4 & GM8)

    Hi DZZ71,(Is this your Year of Birth...) Have I seen it properly...10 Seconds from 0 to 95 km/h...? What have you used for Cylinder Head Gaskets..? And what do you have for an Oil Pressure..? Best regards... Gunar
  10. G


    Hi Bernie, Mounting on the right Fender....? It is your own Decision... (...but 5 PMD is enough for me...) Not do it..! I have built it to different Places - on the Intake Manifold- on the right Fender- on the right Fender with a Computer Cooler... but nowhere it was so nice cold such as...
  11. G

    Thread size Nut

    But often when you clean it with a wire brush only 14 mm is there...:D Greatings... Gunar
  12. G

    Thread size Nut

    Hi Mike,. Thank you..! It is really 3 / 8´´ 24 UNF Best regards
  13. G


    Hello Bernie,. I also have build my PMD now behind/under the Bumper ...this is really the best Place!Previously I could on my Cooler where the PMD was mounted fried Eggs....now is it much cooler.... I know not how many PMD the other have fried ... I were 5 Pieces in 10 Years and that's...
  14. G

    Reference Material: Turbo/Wastegate System

    Hi Leo, now I has understood .. the Word-unless-was foreign to me and had mixed up me:) Greetings Gunar
  15. G

    Reference Material: Turbo/Wastegate System

    Leo, Engine is new...some Oil... Engine have many Miles....no Oil..?! Sorry...i dont understand this.... Gunar
  16. G

    Thread size Nut

    I realized that Yes....:thumbsup: Gunar
  17. G

    Thread size Nut

    Hi Leo and Alaska:).. thanks for your Help! Greats Gunar
  18. G

    Thread size Nut

    Hi Leo, so little....? I think I must it build out to measure the exact inside diameter...?! Greats Gunar
  19. G

    Thread size Nut

    Brake Line..!