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Search results

  1. Woody35

    Garret GTA3782D

    well maybe ill sell you the turbo and downpipe if it doesnt work out
  2. Woody35

    Looking for a Diesel mechanic for my GMC 1500 in the Richmond Va area

    Check out the technical library first for all your questions. it will allow you to better understand what your working on. after you have read that feel free to ask questions on what you didnt understand...
  3. Woody35

    Garret GTA3782D

    its close to the same size as a HX40 so i think it should be close to the same spool up. im just having trouble finding the turbine specs. the compressor side has a inducer of 59mm, exducer of 82mm, trim is 52, and .58 A/R.
  4. Woody35

    0-60 run in my truck

    thats movin!!
  5. Woody35

    Garret GTA3782D

    i saw a closed auction of the same type of turbo on ebay but a lot nicer looking and it had the diaphram style wastegate mounted on it running off boost pressure. it looks to be internal wastegate if it is. i want to do a little more research on this turbo just to make sure its not going to be...
  6. Woody35

    Garret GTA3782D

    it has an exhaust brake? its just a regular old wastegated turbo not a vgt so i dont think it has an exhaust brake function but i could be wrong. Yes it is a little large being t-4 but both housings are pretty tight so im hoping it spools up faster then you would think for its size. I was also...
  7. Woody35

    Garret GTA3782D

    yup its on ebay. I call dibs though lol. i cant find much info on it and the info that is on Garrett's website is for a GT3782 with a different turbine and not sure about the compressor wheel if its the same or not. ill probably try it and see what happens.
  8. Woody35

    Water/Meth Injection

    it can help power a little bit if your iats are really high but if you have an ATT it probably wont help as much if say you had a GM3
  9. Woody35

    Water/Meth Injection

    meth has a lower flash point then diesel so if you put too much in it could possibly ignite in the precup and that would just not end well. compared to a modern diesel with direct injection where it is all contained in the combustion chamber
  10. Woody35

    Hard Starts..... GP problem?

    if your injectors test out good and the fuel system is good its probably your ip. your truck sounds exaclty like mine did on cold starts with my old ip. my starting troubles started about the same time as this fall and lasted the entire winter and early spring before my ip chit the bed. I...
  11. Woody35

    Garret GTA3782D

    its a similar turbo to the 6.0 liter powerstroke turbos except not vgt just wastegated and it came off of a 7.6 liter diesel engine. the compressor has a .58 A/R and turbine has .89 A/R. ands its T4 with 4 inch turbine outlet snd .56 trim. Any opinions if this would be a good turbo for a maxed...
  12. Woody35

    Turbo Valve?

  13. Woody35

    Replacing my ball joint dust boots

    Do they just sell the dust boots? Wouldnt the ball joint be already damenged and prone to failure if the torn dust boot already let in water and road debris? Im interested if this really works.
  14. Woody35

    Felt like a family member left, but I'm over it.

    i replaced my interstate megatrons after 7 years and they were still going good. i just wanted to do it because they spent a long winter cranking a long time on cold starts because of a dying ip. i figured they wouldnt last much longer.
  15. Woody35

    Fack! did I break something or bad IP, PMD, PCM, WTF..... please help

    sounds like an ip. did you clean all the grounds?
  16. Woody35

    6.5/6.2 injector quality. Where would you get them?

    the bosch indias i have are great so far. i can definetly tell a little better mileage than the old ones, better cold starting, and less overall smoke. i only have 15k miles so we will see how long they last. I plan to get my stock 140k mile bosch germany injectors rebuilt at a local shop with...
  17. Woody35

    All I got for Christmas was a VGT turbo

    Fleece has finally made a standalone controller for the Holset He351ve Vgt turbo so it can be eletronically controlled on other vehicles then ram trucks . All you need is a aftermarket boost sensor and the controller. iirc it is about 620 bucks for the controller and they should be ready by the...
  18. Woody35

    Had a PMD fail on me today.

    the theory now is the pmd dies because of electrical "noise", possibly jumpstarts, and dramatic changes in temp. imho if there was a easy fix someone would of come up with it by now since the pmd has been out for 17 years
  19. Woody35

    Uh Oh... Lift Pump not noisy anymore

    you should be fine going 15 miles. most people dont realize their lp is not working until they go over 2500 rpms and the engine falls flat on its face. for those people who knows how long their lp was out
  20. Woody35

    0-60 run in my truck

    looked like 11 seconds to 60. thats pretty respectable from what you have done to your truck