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  1. colbythekid

    36 - Injection pulse width error (response time long)

    First just wanted to say thanks for all the help you guys have provided. Now onto the problem at hand. In June the wife and I went on a road trip to Sequoia National Park. You might remember this post: http://www.thetruckstop.us/forum/showthread.php?23271-Emergency-Transmission-Problems...
  2. colbythekid

    8/1/10 Coke or Pepsi Products?

    If I am going to drink soda its going to be a coke.
  3. colbythekid

    What's your average MPG?

    15.4 about 80% highway and 20% city, with about 90% driving like grandpa and 10% like it stole it.
  4. colbythekid

    Fender fresh air vent

    Thanks for the videos. Very interesting stuff.
  5. colbythekid

    6/27/10 Poll Vacation, Where are you headed this summer?

    Went to Secquoia NP already. But lost the tranny on that trip and after a $3700 bill not going to make it on many more trips this summer.
  6. colbythekid

    Emergency Transmission Problems

    Just wanted to say thanks for all your suggestions. I was able to limp the 95 to bakersfield (40 miles) and dropped it off at the dealership. They told me that if they had to install a new tranny it would come with a 100,000 mile 3 year warrenty. Not bad for a dealership.
  7. colbythekid

    Another great wheelin trip up at 7-Mile

    Love the pics. Makes me want to go wheeling no too.
  8. colbythekid

    Dual Alternators?

    That's a nice looking rig you have. Glad to see you were able to get the dual alts hooked up and working.
  9. colbythekid

    Rims: Black or Chrome on a Dark Blue Truck

    I like the look of flat black with just about any color truck. I think that chrome is also a great looking rim with any color truck.
  10. colbythekid

    (1/04/09) How old are you?

    Turned 28 today.
  11. colbythekid

    2/21/10 Winches, who has them

    I want one. Have no need for it since now since I don't have it, but as soon as I get one I will find something to use it on. ):h:D
  12. colbythekid


    or did you mean 94'?
  13. colbythekid

    my ultimate coldstart

    I am going to go outside and plug it in, its a cool 70* here now. Colby
  14. colbythekid

    Intercooler Finally Done!!!

    Looks nice.
  15. colbythekid

    2/28/10 Exhaust Mods.

    3.5 inch
  16. colbythekid

    Are you single or married? If so how long?

    Just got married back in June
  17. colbythekid

    1/31/10 Dog or Cat?

    Have a Lab. Best dog in the world. Love him to death.
  18. colbythekid

    Rebuilding a GEP Engine

    I bought a 2 ton trailer from them. The security clearance only took about one week.