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  1. R

    Purchased my 1st 6.5 - Some questions!

    Another thing I'd like to ask is, the previous owner installed a new heater core. Now, I can not get warm air for the life of me! The thermostat is functioning. This truck has me at a loss of words in a few places.
  2. R

    Purchased my 1st 6.5 - Some questions!

    I finally got the time to pull the intake. I noticed that the metal return line had a tiny hole wore into it from rubbing the clamp on the injection lines. Could I run an all new rubber line over the intake and down to the metal lines under the truck to make future repairs a little easier? Also...
  3. R

    Purchased my 1st 6.5 - Some questions!

    Leroy, I have used a flashlight to see if I can find any visible leaks whatsoever. I can't find anything which is crazy because of the amount of fuel I'm losing. I looked at the return and feed lines, nothing. Checked the lines going to the injector pump and injector lines (best that I could)...
  4. R

    Purchased my 1st 6.5 - Some questions!

    Can you tell me how far back the rubber lines run? I am at work and we have fuel line here but am unable to tell how much I need.
  5. R

    Purchased my 1st 6.5 - Some questions!

    Thanks alot for that picture. I am loosing alot of fuel somewhere. I will check it out when I get home today!
  6. R

    Purchased my 1st 6.5 - Some questions!

    Thanks for all of the replies! I love the truck! However, upon replacing the alternator, I caught the smell of diesel fuel. I looked and sure enough, the cavity under the fuel filter was full of fuel. I removed the fuel filter housing, gave it a good cleaning and replaced fuel filter. Got...
  7. R

    Purchased my 1st 6.5 - Some questions!

    Hello everyone, This is my first post here. Tonight I just brought home my first 1993 6.5TD GMC Sierra C/K 3500. It has the 5 speed transmission. Anyways, I had a few questions about the truck as it is not perfect and could use a little care. 1) The truck has sloppy steering. From my...