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Recent content by WarWagon

  1. WarWagon

    Two bad new AC compressors

    One on the compressor is for high pressure safety cut-out. (Before the system explodes or blows something out.) The switch on the liquid line after the condenser forces the system into recirculate when the high side pressure is high to reduce system load. (Limited design that is worse when the...
  2. WarWagon

    Two bad new AC compressors

    To the OP my signature line details the TSP condenser I put in my Dodge Cummins. Money well spent! But after you get the system working…
  3. WarWagon

    Two bad new AC compressors

    The tensioner for 1995 and older engines have to deal with the compressor load on the belt so they have a stronger spring than the 1996+ engines that have the compressor on the driver side of the engine. As above verify belt routing and proper length. Aftermarket doesn't F'N get it and they all...
  4. WarWagon

    92 k2500 suburban 7.4L differential noise

    What did you find with it?
  5. WarWagon

    92 k2500 suburban 7.4L differential noise

    ^^^ Park it till you or buddies can check it out. Rear end locking up is a great way to suddenly depart the roadway and hit the wall…
  6. WarWagon

    Fuel filter off a 6.2, what would you say those specs are? Shards of metal? rust?

    Use a magnet to see if they are metallic. An educated guess is the silver colored lining coming off the inside of the tank. It will clog the tank sock and it’s bypass valve. I also question the contamination on the rubber filter gasket. Is there a lift pump before this filter?
  7. WarWagon

    New Optimizer Long Block

    @Will L. Maybe the OP can clarify how much coolant it was using. "Adding" coolant means it was either going way over the ring ruining 210F and popping the cap open OR already had a head crack/gasket leak eating coolant. Keep it at 210F max and consider 220F an emergency pull it over. Lose a...
  8. WarWagon

    New Optimizer Long Block

    Get a better turbo than the OEM GM Asthma Attack® turbo. It will pay for itself in improved MPG towing. Less heat that can't get out the exhaust from GM's extreme backpressure with the turbo also gives you more power when the fan isn't screaming. You should contact @Twisted Steel Performance...
  9. WarWagon

    Eratic behavior from an 85' 6.2 (more below) requesting help please (Two vids in one)

    And some fool has drilled a bunch of holes in the air cleaner housing to CHOKE the turbo and engine on hot underhood air (and raise NOx emissions). Compressing HOT air with a turbo robs power... Get a used housing without the holes.
  10. WarWagon

    Eratic behavior from an 85' 6.2 (more below) requesting help please (Two vids in one)

    No. You have a PROBLEM. Start troubleshooting over and NOTHING gets a free pass. It's a year old and "used" at this time. Do you have a fuel heater anywhere is this aftermarket filter setup? Or is it an OEM setup with a fuel heater at the filter? Our 1988 6.2L NA 1/2 Ton Suburban had a...
  11. WarWagon

    I got my first truck back…

    Run into anything and the drawer becomes a missile. Bad Idea!
  12. WarWagon

    Inequal braking

    Just saying my 1995 had a new out of round, no, off center drum. One of the things I don’t miss. The backing plate also had wear groves on the passenger side. I have also been known to install a set of shoues “backwards” on one side.
  13. WarWagon

    Can Heating Oil be used safely as Diesel for off road use

    What are other nearby sources selling home heating oil for? High sulfur, if that is indeed high, is a 2007+ DPF concern not the HPCR itself. It would also contaminate engine oil the old fashioned way lowering the TBN. Curious what %, if any, of Biodiesel is mixed in? It's an easy button...
  14. WarWagon

    93 Heater Control Malfunction

    I agree. My buddy's 1993 did the flash thing and it was a mode door actuator. Check all of the actuators before looking at the control head. Rec, mode, hot/cold. You could find the "bad actuator" by selecting a mode to match where it was stuck. Then it wouldn't flash on key on if you were fast...
  15. WarWagon

    Swap knowledge

    What's in it now? Quite a few gasoline engines to choose from like an LS2 (400HP 400TQ) that make you put a decent transmission behind em and deliver good power and MPG. Slap a turbo or SC on a gas engine for the same complexity. Diesel's TCO is high esp. with the higher fuel price at the...