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  • Hello

    Rumor has it your may have some Banks 6.2l turbo manifolds available?
    I'd sure be interested in buying one if you do
    Can you still get passenger side Banks exhaust manifolds, manifold only? If so, what's the price on them?
    Are you still making the intake adapters? I want one for a penslar turned 90* with all the hose and clamps
    @ charlieware no problem. If you have not installed them yet you may consider my Oil cooler kit or hose kit. Go to leroydiesel.com and click engine lubrication tab at the top.
    Thanks for the info, didn't realize the prkn lites had to go makes sense. gm dlr supplied the line regards charlie
    Where'd everybody go? TubineDoc, JiFaire, GMCTD...did the site just run its course and have nothing else to interest them?
    Just on the pipe threads into the block and if you bought the cooler also you need some on those pipe threads. If it was just the hose kit then only the block. Make sure to use a wrench on the cooler to prvent twisting it and damaging it.
    Leroy how ya doin?

    I just got the oil cooler kit today, wow that was fast! Them fittings and lines are bo diesel! Thanks a lot for the lift pump bypass fittings. Now my friend might be interested in buying one for his truck.
    Have a great day.
    I keep my pricing as low as I can without having to worry about offereing further discounts and all the headaches it presents.
    Thanks for asking.

    PS I also include in my kit the 45* swivle fittings instead of a rigid fitting ( a $25 value )
    How ya doin Leroy?

    Im about to order an oil cooler kit and o ring kit for my truck. Im interested with what you have on your site and Im ready to order

    I see the lubrication specialist oil cooler kit includes the o ring kit and is close in price with what you over.

    I would like to know if you offer a discount to members of the site here.

    Thank you very much.
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